The Embers profile is a design inspired by a viewer on my YouTube channel. He wanted a custom build fire design. Also included with this profile is an audio meter that reveals flame tips when audio is played on your system.
The Embers profile is a design inspired by a viewer on my YouTube channel. He wanted a custom build fire design. Also included with this profile is an audio meter that reveals flame tips when audio is played on your system.
The Deadpool Razer chroma profile is based on the popular comic book and movies. It’s primarily a red colored design revealing grey colored eyes in a wave pattern. On full sized keyboards you’ll see an audio meter effect on the numpad.
The Checkers Razer chroma profile is a multi-colored profile designed in a checker board pattern on the keyboard. A wave effect is used to transition the colors in a way that’s very pleasing.
The Beating Heart Razer chroma profile is a heart shaped design on your RGB device. There is a heart beat animation using wave effects. Additionally, there is a nice white line ripple effect included with this design as well.
The Mario/Luigi RGB design is based on the popular Nintendo video game characters. The profile transitions from a red design with an “M” to a green design with an “L”. Similar to what you would see on their hat.
This RGB design is based on the popular video game streamer, Dr Disrespect. The lighting in the design spells out D-R D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T in red lighting on the keyboard. Following the spelling of his name his mustache logo will appear on the keyboard. Also, the number pad types out the dates 1-9-9-3 and 1-9-9-4 in gold colors. The design also has a red reactive effect when typing on the keyboard.